The Negative Effects of Alcoholism
Alcoholism is an illness that eats away at the health as well the life of the one suffering from it. Just like any other critical substance abuse and addiction, alcoholism has the power to snatch away all semblance of a normal life from the addict. Moreover, he becomes physically as well psychologically dependent on his usual fix of drinks to even start his day and then get through it. Alcoholism destroys both professional as well private life of a person and leaves him with nothing but an empty shell for a life.
What You Can Do
Alcoholism is a serious problem and needs immediate attention as well as treatment for the patient to recover back to a healthy life. There is some great alcohol rehab and treatment centers that provide specifically designed programs for alcoholism. These programs are divided into certain categories like intervention, assessment, detoxification, rehab and recovery and aftercare. The program focuses on helping the patient reach the core issues that lead him to alcoholism and then deal with those issues in healthy manner so that he can recover from his habit without the risk of relapse.
Life after Sobriety
The end of rehab initially brings a sense of relief to the patient. But then reality sets in and you realize that after being out of the controlled environment of the rehab facility you are again open to temptation and the hard part of staying sober is just beginning. Most people in recovery go through this difficult phase of staying away from drink or drugs. Here are some tips that may help you stay sober:
• Allow transition time – Give yourself time once you get out of the controlled environment of the rehab. The key is not to panic and take one day at a time with the support of your counselor
• Seek Support – The initial few months of recovery are almost impossible to get through without proper support. Continue participation in the 12-step support group as members of these groups remain mutually supportive towards each other.
• Make a Schedule and a To-Do List
• Organize Your Environment
• Join New Groups
• Work Out
• Learn Something New
• Have Fun
• Enrich Your Spirit
• Strive for Balance